Research Interest

Distributed File System

Used MapReduce Algorithm to create a Local Area Network(LAN) to improve the communication speed. Also use the algorithm solved Reverse Index coding which can find the top website links that UC Irvine want to promote. Featured is adding: Machine Learning, Gradient Coding, network security, etc.

Cryptography in Prio and location privacy

Using the idea of zero-forcing can guarantee the message pass success, but how to protect the location turns out to be a question. Using the idea of Prio to protect the private data of the host is important. Thus, no more public key to allow the geo-location to exposure.

Machine Learning

Neural Network Security(Defense): For every attack need a defense to protect our environment. Using machine learning to find malicious code and excluded to keep the network clean. Pseudo random walk is a great tool to design a mix network in order to keep it secure.

Image/video Processing: Artificial Intelligence to help scientist analysis data such fire prediction is important for the next decade. Using pytorch or tensorflow helps the computer to find the characteristics of the sample. The new input will be easy to find what happened next after the sample got trained.

Signal Processing

Wearable devices or other sensors can receive the signal from human and use fourier transform from signal processing can easier to analyze the result. When analysis multiple inputs can use mahalanobis distance to seperate inputs and get correct result.

Education History

University of California, Irvine

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering class of 2019(M.S.)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences class of 2017(B.S.)
  • Previous Lab